Thursday, September 11, 2008

Getting Started

Those of you who know me know that I don't limit myself to one genre when it comes to books. Fiction, non-fiction, mystery, biography--the printed word gives me an emotional and spiritual high that keeps me picking up these fine-folioed friends. And like the poems I write, there doesn't seem to be a rhyme to what I'm reading at any given time. So I've titled this, my personal blog, accordingly. My whimsey (personal preferences prompted by the Spirit) leads me to a book, and I either can't put it down or can't abide even three chapters. Either way, I'll let you the reader know what I'm reading, what I think of it, and why.

Another reason for this title is that recently my whimsey has led me to Wimsey, that is, Lord Peter Wimsey whom Dorothy Sayers made popular in her series of detective novels. I simply cannot get enough of his lordship--or is it his man Bunter that has me wrapped around his obliging little finger? Either way, the Wimsey crest bears the motto "As My Whimsy Takes Me" and this blog is a nod to the vast literary understanding of Ms. Sayers. Like her Oxford colleague and fellow inkling C.S. Lewis, Dorothy Sayers has become one of my favorite writers. How I wish I could have been a fly lapping at a drop of spilled stout on the table they gathered around with the likes of J.R.R. Tolkien and Charles Williams! A drunken fly, perhaps, but a happy fly indeed to hear them read from drafts of their stories.

As a final note of introduction, I am a proofreader and a writer by trade, and so I feel the need to justify the spelling of "whimsey." While "whimsy" is preferred in American English, I opted for the accepted variant spelling. First, it blends the spelling of Lord Peter's surname with our American spelling. And second, use of the preferred spelling was already spoken for by a fellow blogger.

And so it begins...the blog that I've procrastinated on for time, times, and half a time. I invite you to check back to discover where my whimsey will take me next.

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